Mentor and Team Trainer

“Robert White’s extensive experience as an entrepreneurial CEO in the training industry has created a deep understanding of the challenges faced by executives. He knows the importance of a “results really matter” orientation. Robert has extensive experience assisting leaders in becoming more personally and professionally effective. He has, as the saying goes, “been there and done that” so he seldom sees a business issue he hasn’t confronted personally or with other executive clients.

“I’ve participated with Robert in both workshop format and individual interaction/counseling. His workshop content revitalizes and refocuses his participants to make a real difference in realizing their full potential and satisfaction. He connects with the group in an always positive, non-threatening way, which allows people to really open up to and embrace change. As a Mentor, the same skills allow him to work through issues and opportunities for growth and effectiveness. He's a great resource - kind of like having Superman in your back pocket. I enthusiastically recommend him.”

William Johnson
CEO, Scientific Atlanta Corp.
(since acquired by Cisco Corp.)

“A C-Level Mentor of the highest level, a true executive empowerment agent.”

Dr. Bob Wright
Best-selling author and world recognized executive coach